#28: Mbako Kago Moemise (FratboysTV)
This week we are joined by multidisciplinary artist & vegan gangster, Mbako Moemise, who tells us more about living life nomadic, isphatlo, Martine Rose, and more!
Mbako Kago Moemise, also known as ‘Angel’, also known as ‘Trav’, also known as the vegan gangster, also known as ‘Taboo’, also known as a man of earth — is a multidisciplinary artist, film enthusiast, creative consultant & stylist. They’re on the self-imposed mission of capturing and portraying the creative renaissance taking place in Botswana & South Africa. Mbako is currently invested in his multimedia house, ‘FratboysTV’ (@fratboystv), which is interested in exhibiting the current creative growth of artists and communities alike in a culture that’s reimagining the ideas of contemporary subcultures. He also make art as a contributor to ‘The Money Coalition’ (@themoneycoalition).
We welcome him to The FRM Newsletter to share what he’s been into recently.
🇳🇬📖 Books
I am insanely obsessed with African literature written by Africans. Ben Okri, Ngugi wa Nthiong’o & Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie crafted my language. Their writing, every sentence short & sweet yet written with such a descriptive mysticism, developed a lens for me to romanticize the details as opposed to the larger moment. It’s artistic y’know!
🍿🎥 Films
I love weird shit, uncomfortable shit, good thrillers, coming-of-age films and corny romcoms. I recently finished ‘Liquid Sky’, the Basquiat movie ‘Downtown 81’ & ‘The Watermelon Woman.’ Really good shit. I’ve gotta rewatch ‘La Haine’ now that I think about it. Mate (@avntgod) told me to watch ‘Hero’ (2002), I’ll probably be talking about it for weeks.
🍣🇿🇦 Food
Ke tswa pitori jo, ba re bolaya ka sphatlo le mazambane. Not the healthiest food but if you lack sleep like me, you won’t need sleeping pills. Solly’s Corner on Booysens Rd. in Joho is some really sloppy good shit too, s/o Solly. I love Ice pops in the Summertime.
💄👠 Fashion
My dad moonlit as a tailor growing up. He’d take me with him everywhere when he could. He used to make costumes for my brothers school plays too. Ne ke phela ke lebella batho. I’d sit in his little atelier & watch the different faces that would walk in and out. Martine Rose really hits it on the nail with her “observational” design ideas. That’s mutha. I’m interested in my immediate environment right now. The places and the people that live in them. Scarves, big loop earrings and a pair of good jeans are a theme for me.
🖼️🎨 Art
My mother was an artist. I don’t think it really influenced me when I was a kid. I stumbled upon it watching my brothers draw. Those are my OG’s, but I found an old suitcase from her High School and University days. The art she had, the way she captured that time in her life better than any “candid” photo or story she told, through a brush and charcoal stick. It was magic. It is magic. An indescribable feeling you can’t really communicate. It’s something you have to see, touch, feel, to really remember her life through your own senses. She was a cowboy.
🧭🧳 Lifestyle
I’m living life nomadic. I’m always on the move, between cities, between countries. I spend time in the sun a lot, gotta keep sunscreen on me. I used to bike with my friends, we gotta get back to that. Skate on Sundays in Botswana, Mark (@minonde_wakasi) gave me a board recently. Conversations with friends build me, that shit is meditation to me. I’m surrounded by love right now. Couldn’t ask for more.
💿🙏 Music
Some Rap Songs changed my life. “Peace to every crease on ya brain!”
I’m his biggest fan